Applied Futures Lab


Applied Futures Lab

Envisioning Futures For All




To put to practical use as opposed to being theoretical. Everything we create at the AFL is purpose driven with the outcome goal focused on action and immediate use. We produce applied projects, out of data, that our clients ingest immediately into their strategies.




The field of study known as ‘Futures’ is a qualitative social science approach at identifying indicators around big wicked challenges. Through imagination, human interactions, data collection and scenario construction – actions for shaping the future are discovered. This field provides research and modelling tools that decision makers can use to take actions resilient to a range of possible outcomes. Futures is a flexible bespoke approach. Futures allows for the constructions of scenarios out of structured discussion that explore emerging priorities and change drivers. The scenario process builds written narratives used as the guiding scripts for action.




A place equipped for experimental study through science, data collection and analyzing of research. A place providing opportunity for exploration, experimentation, observation and practice in a field of study known as “Futures”. Our lab is set on a mountain side in northern New Mexico, USA so there is opportunity to roam nature, visit with animals, build prototypes in the four art studios on site or tuck into the library.



The Applied Futures Lab serves as a leading resource for strategic insight and multidisciplinary subject matter expertise in Applied Futurecasting.

Futurecasting is a practice used across many industries to strategically plan for an organization’s future. It evaluates underlying industry dynamics and trends, analyzes data and provides actions to help envision the future for all.

In our methodology we envision possible outcomes on a future time horizon, often 5, ten or more years into the future. We provide indicators and actions for those futures to disrupt them from happening or to enable the desired outcome. We produce outcomes that are put to immediate use.

With our clients, the Applied Futures Lab designs the questions, conducts the research, collects and analyzes the data, produces models and a range of bespoke artifacts.


AFL deck


Step into the future with The Applied Futures Lab.

The Applied Futures Lab brings together diverse, interdisciplinary collections of people and organizations to explore, research and model possible futures to encourage specific enabling actions and to foster conversations and dialogue across a broad range of audiences.

  • Services

    Using data developed during exploration/research phases, the Applied Futures Lab builds models and outcomes, predetermined during the foundation stage.  We start by working with clients to build backwards. We construct a foundation together, collaboratively, ensuring all voices are heard. This is vital as the future must be created by everyone. We use Creative, Foresight and Futurecasting tools to create a bespoke package for each client.

    One of our outcomes is Creative Prototypes such as maps, comic books, graphic novels or interactive experiences. These help people comprehend possible future scenarios and the outcomes of those scenarios through a more digestible, playful presentation of the research findings discovered in the data. These works provide an illustration of specific people experiencing specific events to explore the ethical, cultural, and policy impacts on everyday life. 

    • Future/Threat-casting Experience Production for Effects Based Models (Qualitative with Quantitive partnering)
    • Experiential/Interactive Facilitation of Futures Training Programs, Workshops, & Team Experiences
    • In-depth Industry Trend Reports
    • Strategic Consulting
    • Expert referral network
    • Interviews/Radio/TV/Web/Podcasts 
    • Research (Qualitative/Coded)
    • Technical Reports (BLUF/Executive Summaries/Briefings)
    • Prototypes (Creative)
    • Writing (Articles, Books, Briefs, Reports, Policy)
  • Builders

    We have a team of humans who join us during each unique phases of our practice. Our Lab builders include Analysts, Capture Managers, Coordinators, Creatives, Data Collectors, Designers, Editors, Game Creators, Producers, Researchers, Writers and World Builders.




    Cyndi Coon is a time traveler and rule-bender, nerding out for good using data and science. She is a storyteller, creative, ecosystem builder, facilitator, author, producer, and Futures experience designer for governments, the military, higher education, industry and NGOs.


    Cyndi has peered into the future of: Aerospace, AI, Big Data, Bio-Health, Covid-19, Design Fiction, Digital Currency, Disabilities, Gender Equality, [the] Individual, Information Warfare, Mis/Dis/Mal Information, Sports, Truth, Workforce, Weaponization and more. Her clients and collaborators include Army Cyber Institute, BioDesign Institute, Homeland Security, National Guard, Sandia National Lab, SecureAmerica Institute and US Secret Service, to highlight a few.


    She is Founder and Producing Director at Applied Futures Lab, Founder at Laboratory5 Inc. (F. 2003), and Co-Builder of the Threatcasting Lab. She is on the board of directors of the People Centered Internet where she leads the i4j (global workforce), Global Help Desk and Coolabilities projects. She is a Co-Chair of the Human Wisdom Committee and is on the Editorial Board of the IEEE Planet Positive 2030 Global Sustainability Standards.


    Cyndi resides in the high desert mountains of northern New Mexico, USA, a dreamy space surrounded by nature.




    Threatcasting (Morgan & Claypool 2022).


    HOW LIGHT IS SPENT: The future of technology, human ability and economic value (ASU) 2020.


    Thrive! Creative’s Guidebook to Professional Tenacity (Cognella, 2019).




    Creative Entrepreneurship, Information Shaping, Threatcasting

  • Collaborators

    We collaborate with those interested in taking a deeper dive into imagining futures for all. Wild thinkers, data junkies, creatives and those who enjoy playing in future time spaces.


    2023 Collaborator 

    Experiential Futures

    Kim Larkin


    2022 Collaborator

    Participatory Mapping

    Richard Hammond

  • Exploration Fellows

    Exploration Fellows are looking to play with data to explore new models for gathering and disseminating outcomes. An EF explores research topics in future time horizons through a creative lens.


    2022 Exploration Fellow

    Mapping Systems Change

    Kim Larkin MXDArts

  • Partners

    Our partners allow us all to scale and make greater impact, together.

    ASURE (Arizona State University Research Enterprise)
    Holds our Applied Futures Lab Classified TS status for government classified project.


    People Centered Internet


    i4j - Innovation for Jobs

    Our partners on Neurodivergent Coolabilities Research


The Applied Futures Lab envisions better futures for all.

 We are content agnostic, our tools and methods work with any topic, big wicked challenge or area of interest. We help craft the question and co-build the research foundation to produce the greatest outcome.  


The Applied Futures Lab works with academia, interdisciplinary professionals, industry, non-profit organizations, NGOs, trade associations and government agencies. The Lab helps clients envision possible futures and what actionable steps to take to enable the future scenarios they desire while disrupting or mitigating for undesirable outcomes.


  • Classroom

    The Applied Futures Lab offers facilitated demos, workshops, training exercises, and train-the-trainers programs to grow the community of futures practitioners.


    Classes, Training, and Workshops Schedule coming soon

    The Applied Futures Lab works in partnership with Arizona State University School for the Future of Innovation in Society undergraduate, master's, and Ph.D. students on capstone, thesis and dissertation projects. 

  • The Lab Library


    Experiences, interactions, workshops and trainings conclude with technical reports that provide data, an executive summary, several possible futures and actions to disrupt or enable the future event investigated through the research question.


    How Light is Spent: The future of technology, human ability and economic value. Applied Futures Lab Report produced by Cyndi Coon. 

    The Future of Biological Big Data. Applied Futures Lab Report produced by Nikhil Dave. 


    Threatcasting (2021) Johnson, Vanatta, Coon. Springer Nature.


  • Futures Feed

    Explore the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities as we navigate the complexities and opportunities of our evolving world. Dive into a world of innovation and insight in our Futures Feed, covering key topics from technology and healthcare to sustainability and inclusivity. Explore the latest in AI, Web3, urban planning, and more.


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Immersive Solutions

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Adaptive Generation

Frame Manufacturer